Monday, 11 March 2013

A happy experience

Hello, I'm back with another of my short reviews. After some time browsing, reading and commenting, I'm pleased to bring you a great blog called Happy English New York.

This is a blog created by Michael DiGiacomo, an English teacher based in New York. It covers a wide variety of topics related to English vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation (with videos). Lessons begin with a picture or drawing to set the scene, then they are followed by clear explanations and numerous examples.

One of the things that sets this blog apart from others is that you get an audio lesson from time to time. That is a definite plus.

Michael's blog is very pleasant to read. It's got thorough content, beautiful illustrations and at the end of each lesson there is a follow-up question to make you express your thoughts in English. 

Happy English gets my highest recommendation. To visit the blog, click on the picture below.

Here's a personal message from Michael.

Will you visit Happy English?

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